
SPIRIT - 02/08/15

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370 posts
puerto limon
Costa Rica
02/08/2015 11:05

comment on the Roundtable

We all know what I want to share, but it is never redundant.

C.S. is the Science and study of REALITY !!! Even the Mind of Christ.
It destroys the human, mortal, carnal mind, hence this false, illusive mind is screaming: leave us thou come to destroy us??

People have misconceptions because they dearly want to have them, and will defend them.

Tom is right when he commented on the fact that C.S. is NOT an alternative way of healing....matter. Making a material condition a reality is quackery, I read somewhere. C.S. destroys the mind that causes disease, discord, sin and death. This is often painful and protracted. The world wants easy solutions, a quick way out, no sacrifice.

I will share this on Facebook.