

GOD - 07/05/15

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431 posts
07/02/2015 06:52

Man's Extremity is God's Opportunity

Man's extremity is God's opportunity. When Jonah was at his worst time in the fish's belly, he "cried by reason of mine affliction unto the Lord, and he heard me..." When we turn whole-heartedly to God in our extremity, He hears us. He knows our thoughts at all times, but He answers only righteous prayer, and that is one without any human will or personal desire. Our "extremity" is the total loss of human will. That is when we find our strong connection with God.

I have found this losing of human will to be an ongoing process, and sometimes a tough one. If I don't do it voluntarily, it gets forced out of me. Better to start each day by declaring "I can of mine own self do nothing." Without God I am worthless. God finds us when we have that attitude, even when we put ourselves in the belly of hell, as Jonah discovered.

I have also had help from fellow church members and practitioners who have seen the danger and pointed out my human will. At times it has been painful, but that was my pride lashing out. Human will has not been my friend. I have grown to appreciate any help I can get to lose it.


737 posts
07/02/2015 18:24

Re: Man's Extremity is God's Opportunity

Better to start each day by declaring "I can of mine own self do nothing." Without God I am worthless.

When I really got it, that I am nothing without God, the Allness of God became clearer. As I heard it put once:if God is not here I couldn't be here either. That was clear and simple enough!