

Meeting Problems in Christian Science                                     

Many people come to Christian Science with problems that need healing. Their hearts are heavy with fear, bitterness, and depression. They tell of loneliness, misunderstanding with family members, struggles to earn a living, etc. The way ahead looks dark and difficult, and human will asserts itself with such thoughts as: I don’t know what the trouble is, I don’t seem to be making any progress, I will have to do something drastic.

Often the person who needs healing, disregards the rights of others, and forgets that God’s love includes everyone involved in the case. This attitude of thought limits his demonstration, and builds the very walls of re­sistance he is trying to tear down.

If he will only forsake the selfish human mind, and stop insisting upon what he thinks must be done, he will be on the path to healing. He can rejoice that God’s will is being done, and realize that every other person in the case is as precious to God as he is, and that God’s power is able to meet every human need.

As he stops outlining what the answer should be, God’s purpose will begin to appear in his experience, and with this change in thought, a glorious light will brighten the darkness, patience will replace the struggle of human will, and God’s healing love will be clearly seen.

The solution of the problem is often more beautiful and far-reaching than he had dreamed possible, and he emerges from the gloomy sense of unrewarded human effort, into the holy realization of the action of divine Love accomplishing its complete purpose.

As our Leader states in Miscellaneous Writings: “These two words in Scripture suggest the sweetest similes to be found in any language—rock and feathers: How blessed it is to think of you as ‘beneath the shadow of a great rock in a weary land/ safe in His strength, building on His foundation, and covered from the devourer by di­vine protection and affection. Always bear in mind that His presence, power, and peace meet all human needs and reflect all bliss.” (p. 263)

                                                                                                                                  - Doris W Evans