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197 posts
04/27/2015 07:43

Be ye angry?

How can I be angry and not sin? Anger on a personal level is full of sin. Mrs. Eddy tells us to not be offended unless the offence be against God. The instruction to be angry and not sin tells me to not be asleep to the claims of error, but to refresh and cleanse my heart so that the sun will “not go down upon your wrath”. So I find myself getting angry with any inclination to justify myself or be judgmental of others. Again Mrs. Eddy tells us that the warfare with one’s self is grand. So there is nothing like a good cleansing of the heart to get things going in the right direction.


22 posts
04/27/2015 17:57

Re: Be ye angry?

Thank you for this helpful insight. Christ Jesus was certainly angry with the money changers in the temple wasn't he?


795 posts
04/28/2015 06:27

Re: Be ye angry?

The money changers in the temple were an offense to God. Jesus always rebuked error in whatever form it presented itself. His motive however was always Love. He was never handled by hatred which is what usually accompanies anger. Mrs. Eddy's definition of "Jesus" in the Glossary is "the highest human corporeal concept of the divine idea, rebuking and destroying error and bringing to light man's immortality."


134 posts
United States
04/28/2015 07:15

Re: Be ye angry?

I certainly was handled by hatred for many years, and I tried to counteract it using a variety of methods with not much success. Christian Science, however, has given me the tools to put the hatred and anger to a stop. Before I was trying to modify my identity, and now I see that hate is a trait of mortal mind. I don’t need to identify with it, I need to recognize it and cast it out. What a huge, important, and useful difference.

When something starts to handle me, as soon as I recognize it, I assert that God is the only Mind, and anything else that seems pertinent from what I have learned here. I also give myself a little punishment, because I can’t be going around without my armor on.

For an example: If I am driving and become upset, I slow down or pull over to let everyone go. When I first started, I was pulling over every day. Sometimes twice! Now it is once a month, maybe. As time goes on I hold myself more accountable by pulling over for longer. No part of how I used to drive was a blessing for anyone!

Because of this, the time between a situation arising and when I begin to handle it with Truth is almost immediate most of the time. I can’t fully express how grateful I am, especially looking back on the decades when I thought anger was a defect I could never rid myself of. The lies mortal mind tells! I am so grateful for God sending me here, and for Christian Science being 100% effective against every struggle I have ever had. Thank you.


737 posts
04/28/2015 08:04

Re: Be ye angry?

I can’t fully express how grateful I am, especially looking back on the decades when I thought anger was a defect I could never rid myself of. The lies mortal mind tells!

Eph 4:26-27 Be ye angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath:27.Neither give place to the devil.

Verse 27 means a lot. I see how I was in complete ignorance and disobedience to this, when I identified myself as a "fearful person" going from practitioner to practitioner seeking healing for "my anxiety." This is the devil ( that kind of thinking) which we must never give place to. It is a deceiving lie which can have one so attached to the very thing( be it physical claim or a mental one)he/she seeks to heal.It is a claim, a belief, NOT THE TRUTH about anyone; and must be seen as such.

We must so treasure our spiritual nature (the model Jesus held to consistently)that once we recognize the anger, pride, selfishness, envy, jealousy,we also quickly know they are not a part of us. What is not a part of the original, God, the reflection, man cannot have!Thus we go forward to demonstrate the Truth of being with the correct basis of Perfect God, perfect man.

Edited by Florence - 04/28/2015 08:27


370 posts
puerto limon
Costa Rica
04/29/2015 20:53

Re: Be ye angry?

Yes, I get angry and or upset by the claims of evil to reality, coming to me as this world, the news, politics, injustice, hate, cruelty violence etc. But like Florence wrote, we should not give place to the devil...meaning not to believe in its reality, but always know it is just nothingness making a lot of noise. I understand I must keep it out of my consciousness. If divine Love is All-in-all, I must try to BE
that Mind which was also Christ Jesus. ( the omittance of "in" is intentional.)

Blessed are they which hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

Righteousness can sound like religious jargon, but the true meaning is justice, fair and equitable dealing. Filled also means satiated, fed, satisfied.

I get angry a whole lot less than I used to, LOL.


33 posts
04/30/2015 17:21

Re: Be ye angry?

I have begun thinking of anger in this way.
On my climb up the mountain, there sits a boulder labeled anger. I think this can not be too hard I will just reach up and grab it (heal it, handle it with my hands, engage in a conversation with it, rebuke it) and toss it off the mountain so I can climb higher. So I reach out, grab on and find out that it is too heavy (has separated me from pure thought, because I saw it as something needing handling) and has now knocked me off balance. I am in d-anger, because I engaged in it, instead of knowing the Truth, that its nature has already indicated it's fall. "Error uncovered is two-thirds destroyed and the remaining third destroys itself"S&H

If I have it in my hand while it is falling, then I am letting it handle me and take me down with it.

Martha Wilcox, Association Address of 1938 "Error is powerless, …When we see the mesmerism of inertia in thinking, both in ourselves and in others, we can not afford to give it power; neither should we try to force the demonstration of its powerlessness. We must not admit that this seeming upheaval is possible, or is going on "because one's thought and conduct do not afford a sufficient defense against it," as Mrs. Eddy sates in Miscellany.

Edited by Luetuck - 05/01/2015 10:15


370 posts
puerto limon
Costa Rica
05/01/2015 10:50

Re: Be ye angry?

yes, to fight error as error, is to give it reality, we need just to see its nothingness. No boulders in our path, just the suggestion of it.


737 posts
05/01/2015 19:38

Re: Be ye angry?

Blessed are they which hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.
Righteousness can sound like religious jargon, but the true meaning is justice, fair and equitable dealing. Filled also means satiated, fed, satisfied.

Thanks for posting this.It is beautiful thinking about how we are kept spiritually satisfied as we endeavor to live righteously:

Hymn 30 mentions "Fed by thy love divine we live"

The Lord's prayer: "Give us this day our daily bread" is "Feed the famished affections," (Science and Health) and again Mrs Eddy says, "Immortal Mind feeds the body with supernal freshness and fairness, supplying it with beautiful images of thought."

Edited by Florence - 05/01/2015 19:40