

MIND - 02/22/15

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94 posts
02/19/2015 11:43

Which Mind?

Dearest gratitude for this excellent lesson. Mrs. Eddy's pointed advice in Science and Health (p. 83): "it is wise earnestly to consider whether it is the human mind or the divine Mind which is influencing one." is a clear direction which will be very helpful to use in living each day. Unspeakable gratitude for the rich blessings in every chapter of her wonderful textbook.


370 posts
puerto limon
Costa Rica
02/19/2015 20:21

Re: Which Mind?

Mary mentioned that Laura Sargent gave Thanks not to God but as God. It has been on my mind a few days also. Let that Mind be IN you that was also in Christ Jesus really means: let that Mind be you. Mrs. Eddy teaches that the word IN is obsolete if used with reference to God. So, the Bible text from Acts: For in Him we live, we move, and have our being, really should read: For AS Him we live, move and have our being.

Mind is infinite, so it follows it is the only Mind, so we must Be this Mind or ...... be nothing mortal mind is nothing, no thing..but a delusive mental state. Not part of being.

Perhaps I have been reading too much in Eustace´s Clear Correct Teaching?


737 posts
02/20/2015 12:13

Re: Which Mind?

This one Mind is what Christ Jesus expressed throughout His healing work; that has to be why He only saw the perfect man.

When we realize that there is one Mind, the divine law of loving our neighbor as ourselves is unfolded; whereas a belief in many ruling minds hinders man's normal drift towards the one Mind.....Science and Health p205:22-25 emphasis added.

I find this one of the most important truths we MUST all practice. It's easy to say it but am I really living it? Am I knowing my neighbor that I am indifferent to, has this same mind , in truth? Do those people who look different have this same mind? And the list goes on...


370 posts
puerto limon
Costa Rica
02/20/2015 20:44

Re: Which Mind?

have a mind or are a mind? There is one Mind, but there seem to be billions of mortal minds. Mind is All, so all the rest not part of all.


90 posts
02/21/2015 14:35

Re: Which Mind?

Yes,more and more I try to ask myself if I am listening to Mind or human mind. I try and stop myself during my busy day caring for my 3 yr old grandson.... am I listening Lord, am I seeing what you see? Please guide me.


90 posts
02/21/2015 14:51

Re: Which Mind?

Because there is only One Mind the rule of loving our neighbors becomes easier. I work daily to practice this rule. I thought I was loving my neighbor, but since working and praying at the Plainfield church I have come to realize that this has to be a consistent priority. I don't have to "worry" what a person is thinking when I concentrate on the One Mind in operation... All-in-all.